Game Programmer
Engine: Unity
Genre: Bullet Hell
Role: Programmer, UI, Artist
Impound is a fast-paced bullet hell style game set in a space station. You control a drone with the goal of reaching the end and beating the boss however, instead of shooting, players must reflect the bullets fired at them to navigate the space station and succeed.
The game's core mechanic is a shield that activates on the press of the left mouse button. If pressed again during the shield's duration it becomes a melee attack but loses its projectile reflecting property. I wanted to create a system that was different to how bullet hells typically operated so a shield that reflected instead of shooting was the perfect thing.
Impound gets its name from the original idea of what the story was supposed to be. I came up with the idea of a futuristic setting where people, if they committed crimes, could have their spaceships impounded much like cars are impounded in today's world. The game would follow someone who was remotely controlling a drone to get their spaceship back from the impound lot. We did not have enough time to fully flesh this idea out in game but it influences things like color scheme for certain enemies, the name of the game, and more.